What is a LOOP? Loop Installation?

What is a LOOP?
A loop sensor is a detector that senses a change in inductance caused by the passage of a vehicle near the sensor. It is used to manage traffic flow. Vehicles passing over or stopped within the detection area of an inductive-loop detector decrease the inductance of the loop. The electronics unit senses this event as a decrease in frequency and sends a pulse to the controller signifying the passage or presence of a vehicle.

Loop Installation?

Traffic Counting Loops are installed in the surface asphalt of secondary roads, highways, freeways & freeway ramps. The number of loops per location varies from 1 (on a single lane ramp) up to 8, 10 or more on a multi-lane freeway. The dimensions of a loop are dependant on the exact requirements from Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, Region or Municipality requesting the work.

In order to install the loops Highway Technology requests permission to close the lane or lanes in which the work is to take place. To minimize the inconvenience to the traveling public, closures are allowed for specific times only and these times must be adhered to. By allowing closures during the least busy times for each roadway this also minimizes the safety concerns for both the workers and the public. All regulations as stipulated by Book #7, Ontario Traffic Manual, are followed when closing the roadway.

Once the road is closed, an outline of the loop is drawn on the road. Then a slot is cut, along the painted outline, in the surface, using a floor saw. The slot is approximately 2cm wide by 8cm deep. The slots are blown dry and cleaned of any sand & debris by an air compressor. The slot ends 15cm from the edge of the asphalt. A rock hammer is then used to drill a hole from the end of the slot, under the road to a trench on the shoulder.

The trench is dug from the edge of the asphalt through the gravel shoulder to where a concrete hand well will be installed. The trench is approximately .5 meters deep and anywhere from 2 - 4 meters long. A piece of PVC pipe runs from the drilled hole, into the trench and to the inside of the hand well. The concrete hand well is 1 meter deep and .5 meters in diameter. The hand well is installed so that the top is level with the surface grade. An excavator is used to trench & install the hand well. Locates are obtained before any machine digging commences.

Low voltage cable is placed into the slot, wrapped around the square loop and continues in one length into the PVC pipe, through the trench & into the hand well. A steel lid, with a flex post secured to the top is then bolted onto the hand well. The cable is pulled through the lid into the flex post.

The trench and hand well area are then backfilled and graded. A loop sealant compound is used to seal the cable and fill the slots. The only visible evidence of loop installations are the lines left on the asphalt where it has been sealed and the flex post a few meters from the road.

Traffic signal loops are installed in the same manner with variances to dimensions and types of pipes and hand wells used.



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Inductive Loop Detector works by detecting an inductance change in wire loop (coil) that is buried in road

Single Channel Vehicle Loop Detector, LD-100 (110-240VAC).LD-102( 12-24VDC) Dual Channel Vehicle Loop Detector LD-200(110-240VAC) LD-202( 12-24VDC) Single loop detector LD-150 )(110-240VAC) LD-152( 12-24VDC)