RFID UHF Long Range reader

RFID UHF Long Range reader
Product Overview :1. Integrated UHF long range reader, using the UHF band RFID technology, which has the followingcharacteristics:2. Operating frequency 860 ~ 868MHz or 902 ~ 928MHz, adjusted according to different countries andregions;3. Directional antenna technology, recognizes only the front of the card reader;4. Power is less than 0.5W, in line with international environmental standards;5. Used in a metal chassis, or used independently;6. Reading distance 8-16 meters (depending on the antenna);7. Support eligible ISO1800-6B, ISO1800-6C (EPC G2) protocol passive RFID cards;8. Using standard wigand 26/34 output interface for direct access to wigand Interface System;9. Working mode: ground sensor mode or continuous mode;10. Reserve RS232 \ RS485 interface, which can be connected to a PC.
Email: sales8@jutairfid.com/ una8jutai@gmail.com
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